Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Katiedid start 2012.

The year that I become a Mommy is finally here!
{Like all girls, I have dreamed about this year for as long as I can remember.} 
And 2012 started in a true "Mommy-style" fashion. 

I signed up to work New Years weekend because a pregnant girl has no reason to partake in an alcohol infused celebration. 
Honestly, I have worked every NYE/New Year's Day because I think it is the lamest holiday of them all. 
NYE is just another reason to drink/party and I can create "resolutions" on any day of the year. 
Just to say I did "something" for NYE, I usually do buy a cute party outfit, throw on my sparkly wedding shoes,  quickly celebrate with friends, then head home right after midnight because of work early the next day. 

Just for the record, here are a few of our past married NYE pics. 
 And this was our NYE this year!
After working all day, I came home and found these little pink and blue cuties. 
Jesus sure did love us in 2011!
And we can not wait to find out if our little blessing from above will be "pink or blue" in 2012!! 
MM made me a yummy dinner. 
 And I made our favorite salad. 
 Smiles for 2012. 
After dinner I showered and headed to bed. 
MM kept me company until about 1030 and then headed out to a friends house close by. 
He did make a quick trip home just after midnight to give us our first kiss of 2012...
And then headed to another friends house just down the street. 

Hope you all have had a blessed start to 2012!


Big K Fam said...

Your little baby bump is too cute!! You look great! Happy 2012!

Jenn said...

I tagged you in a post! Hope you get a chance to re-post :)

ms.composure said...

stumbled onto your blog and just wanting to show you some blog lovin!
loving the NY pix you shared!
congrats to the new addition to your family!

♥ H ♥ said...

I am so not a NYE fan either! This year we celebrated with NYC at 11p our time then went to bed, lol. I agree it's just a reason to go out and party and it's lame!